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来源: 时间:2018年11月07日 16:07 编辑:swzy2 点击:













2002.09 2007.11 武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室,微生物学,博士

1998.09 2002.06 武汉大学生命科学学院,生物技术,学士


2016.12 至今      湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,研究员

2010.08 2016.11 湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,副研究员

2013.06 2014.09 美国农业部东南家禽研究中心,访问学者

2007.12 2010.07 湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,助理研究员


1. 新城疫病毒的分子流行病学、耐热及致病分子机理等研究

2. 常规耐热疫苗、基于耐热病毒载体的新型基因工程多联多价疫苗的研发

3. 猪瘟病毒新型鉴别诊断制剂的研发


1. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303033,二级课题),2013-2017年,120

2. 湖北省技术创新重大专项(2017ABA138),2017-2019年,40

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFD0501104-4),2017-2020年,45万(第一执行人)

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFD0500202-2),2016-2020年,124万(第一执行人)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670157),2017-2020年,62万(第一执行人)


1. Wen GY, Li LT, Yu QZ, Wang HL, Luo QP,   Zhang TF, Zhang RR, Zhang WP, Shao HB. Evaluation of a thermostable Newcastle   disease virus strain TS09-C as an in-ovo vaccine for chickens (2017). PLoS   One, 24;12(2):e0172812

2. Wen GY, Wang M, Wang HL, Li LT, Luo   QP, Zhang TF, Cheng GF, Shao HB.  Genome Sequence of a Virulent Genotype   III Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Laying Ducks in China (2016),   Genome Announcements, 29;4(6). pii: e01436-16

3. Li LT, Luo L, Luo QP, Zhang TF, Zhao   K, Wang HL, Zhang RR, Lu Q, Pan ZS, Shao HB, Zhang WP, Wen GY(通讯作者). Genome Sequence of a   Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 Strain Lethal to Chickens, Isolated from China   (2016). Genome Announcements, 24;4(2). pii: e00140-16

4. Wen GY, Hu X, Zhao K, Wang HL, Zhang   ZY, Zhang TF, Yang JL, Luo QP, Zhang RP, Pan ZS, Shao HB, Yu QZ. Molecular   basis for the thermostability of Newcastle disease virus (2016). Scientific   Reports, 3;6:22492

5. Wen GY, Chen C, Guo J, Zhang ZY, Shang   Y, Shao HB, Luo QP, Yang J, Wang HL, Wang HC, Zhang TF, Zhang RR, Cheng GF,   Yu QZ. Development of a novel thermostable Newcastle disease virus vaccine   vector for expression of a heterologous gene. (2015). Journal of General   Virology, 96:1219-1228

6. Zhao W, Spatz S, Zhang ZY, Wen GY,   Garcia M, Zsak L, Yu QZ. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) recombinants   expressing infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) glycoproteins gB and gD   protect chickens against ILTV and NDV challenges. (2014). Journal of   Virology, 88(15):8397-8406

7. Wen GY, Shang Y, Guo J, Chen C, Shao   HB, Luo QP, Yang J, Wang HL, Cheng GF. Complete genome sequence and molecular   characterization of thermostable Newcastle disease virus strain TS09-C.   (2013), Virus Genes, 46(3):542-545

8. Wu L, Ding LF, Pei ZL, Huo X, Wen GY,   Pan ZS. A multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay for the detection of   influenza A virus and differentiation of the H1, H3, H5 and H9 subtypes. (2013),   Journal of Virological Methods, 188(1-2):47-50

9. Wen GY, Zhang T, Yang J, Luo QP, Liao   YH, Hu ZB, Zhang RR, Wang HL, Ai DY, Luo L, Song NH, Shao HB. Evaluation of a   real-time RT-PCR assay using minor groove binding probe for specific   detection of Chinese wild-type classical swine fever virus. (2011), Journal of   Virological Methods, 176(1-2):96-102

10. Wen GY, Yang J, Luo QP, Hu ZB, Song   NH, Zhang RR, Wang HL, Ai DY, Luo L, Shao HB. A one-step real-time reverse   transcription-polymerase chain reaction detection of classical swine fever   virus using a minor groove binding probe. (2010), Veterinary Research Communication,   34(4):359-369

11. Wen GY, Xue JR, Shen YP, Zhang CY,   Pan ZS. Characterization of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) nonstructural   protein 3 (NS3) helicase activity and its modulation by CSFV RNA-dependent   RNA polymerase. (2009), Virus Research, 141(1):63-70

12. Wang Y, Wang Q, Lu XL, Zhang CY, Fan   X, Pan ZS, Xu L, Wen GY, Ning YB, Tang FQ, Xia YH. 12-nt insertion in 3'   untranslated region leads to attenuation of classic swine fever virus and   protects host against lethal challenge. (2008), Virology, 374(2):390-398

13. Wen GY, Chen C, Luo XL, Wang Y, Zhang   CY, Pan ZS. Identification and characterization of the NTPase activity of   classical swine fever virus (CSFV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) expressed in   bacteria. (2007), Archives of Virology, 152(8):1565-1573


1. 新城疫病毒耐热疫苗载体及应用,中国发明专利,2016No:   ZL201310090099.4(第一发明人)

2Heat-Resistant Newcastle Disease Virus Live Vaccine Vector System   And Use ThereofUS   Patent2015No: 13/924,812 (第一发明人)

3. 一株适应幼仓鼠肾传代细胞的新城疫病毒耐热弱毒株及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2013NoZL201110163109.3(第一发明人)

4. 一种特异检测猪瘟病毒野毒感染的荧光定量PCR快速检测试剂盒及其应用方法,中国发明专利,2010NoZL200810048516.8(第一发明人)


1. 荧光定量PCR技术在畜禽疫病诊断及净化中的应用,湖北省科技进步三等奖,2015年(个人排名第一)

2. 新城疫弱毒耐热毒株的选育及疫苗研究与应用,湖北省科技进步一等奖,2012年(个人排名第七)

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